söndag 2 oktober 2011

Snooping bosses - Reflection

I think the article Snooping bosses was very interesting and at the same time scary.
I have always known that there is some type of surveillance systems at jobs and at your own homes but not that they've pushed it this far the road.

I think that the CEOs have a god opinion in closing web-sites and such stuffs that don't have to do with your own work but the matter of them keeping track of what you write about them is just intolerable.
Everyone can't always get along with their bosses and that's a fact, we are all human beings and we all have our own opinions about people we met and know about.

The thing with the CEOs installing a GPS system so they can found out where you are when you phoned in sick is both good and bad. It's good for them to see that you're an employee that they can trust on, but what if your CEO is a little bit of a stalker and looks up where you are all the time? I shouldn't approve of that.
The better solutions would be that the GPS system only works for that person who is sick, when the person in fact has called in and said that he's sick. Then I could approve of a system like that.

The adult-theme websites should of course be banned, I still can't get it that employees spend their time at work watching porn, that is just disgusting and if I was a CEO I would punish them with a wage reduction.

The best thing that the CEOs can do is to ban all sites that are not "work-sites". But the negative issue is that the employees have always had the privilege to visit almost all sites and a banning procedure can be hard on the employees and they will certainly be negative against that kind of procedure.
But I understand the CEOs because their job is to make their employees work hard and to make them be more effective.

The thing that I think is the most beautiful with these different systems is that the police authorities can keep track on different terrorist all across the world and get hold of them before something really bad happens.

But my opinion about the different CEO systems is that they have right in some issues that I mentioned above but everybody wants their own privacy and people don’t like being tracked on, I think.

The feeling that you can get is that you feel trapped, everything you do is looked upon and you don't feel free for a slight moment of your life.
I think that people all over the world have fought for their freedom, some countries for several hundreds of years ago and some countries fight for it right now. And these type of procedures that people uses makes you lose that freedom that you really need and want. 

Tomislav Kovacevic