1-5 years
from now on.
In the near
future I don’t think that so much will change, at least we will not notice it
in that way that you can notice stuff at a longer period of time. I think that
new ideas will emerge but not in that way that it will be extra revolutionary. Some
small things that we do manually right now maybe will be changed so we can do
it automatically from our computers or our smartphones. I don’t have any good
examples of what at this point but it won’t be any larger innovations because I
don’t think that we will be noticing it as much as we notice things from when
we were children until now. Maybe some new medicine will be coming out into
view that prohibits the cancer cells to evolve in your body? This will probably
be made out of stem cells researches but you never know.
6-50 years
from now on.
I think
that a lot of stuff will change in 50 years, for example fossil fuels. I don’t
think we will be using gasoline in 50 years from now on, or at least I hope so
because people are going to think more about our planet. That maybe is a crazy
thought because we haven’t done that much at this point when we have been
seeing changes on our planet for a long time. Companies are trying to build
automobiles on batteries but not that many people are interesting in buying
them because the batteries isn’t’ that good. I think that the future will bring
us new ways of travelling, or at least new fuels for travelling by car and so
on. Maybe the fuel in the future will be water? I’ve read somewhere that the first
automobile had water as fuel but that maybe is a conspiracy theory? I think
that we will come up with medicines that will kill of cancer, maybe not all
types but very few will be left. Many good things will evolve to our favor but
I think that some stuff we won’t approve that much. Like the surveillance mess
that’s been going around with Edward Snowden and the U.S government. I think
that in the future, every move that we make will be monitored. Maybe that’s
good for some purpose but I don’t think that we can do so much about it.